"Someone right now is looking pretty tired
Staring at a laptop trying to get inspired
Somebody living right across the street
She wrote the best things she's written all week
but her best friends coughing up blood in the sink
Can't even think what happened, feeling so confused
Down the hall the child taking his first breath
The doctors ain't even passed him to the nurse yet
I wonder if he understands what it's worth yet
Like the time spent while we here on the earth yet
The answer to the question that we all seek
can be found depend on how free y'all think
Right now it's somebody who ain't eat all week
That would kill for the shit that you throw away in the street
I guess ones mans trash is the next mans treasure
One mans pain is the next mans pleasure...
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!"
N-am mai auzit de mult versuri atat de bune (in viziunea mea subiectiva, bineinteles)..de fapt, ultimele versuri bune pe care le-am auzit au fost la "When I'm gone"...Si ma bucur ca n-a devenit hit...problema cu cei care canta aceste versuri este ca va trebui sa-si promoveze albumul, sa devina cunoscuti...sau, dupa cum se mai spune, comerciali...si sunt un pic suparat. Pe de alta parte, cum ar fi ca ei sa ramana toata viata muritori de foame, numai ca sa-mi faca mie pe plac si sa ramana in anonimat? Wouldn't that be hilarious...
Poza reprezinta privelistea pe care o admir in fiecare seara din camera de camin...poate la anul n-o sa mai am aceeasi priveliste (frumoasa, din nou spun, in opinia mea subiectiva). Poate ar fi iesit castigatoare la concursul de fotografie din Rectorat...who knows?
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